

Last year my neighbor invited me to a pancake breakfast. He’s since moved off the island – an important detail and the source of my promotion to ‘batter man – but at the time he lived across the street and was active at the 5th Maine. The 5th is an island institution that serves as both our history museum and a memorial to a Maine civil war regiment. Every summer the 5th hosts regular pancake breakfasts on their deck which claims unbelievable views over Whitehead Passage. The breakfasts are used to raise funds to support the non-profit museum – and perhaps just as important, build community here on Peaks.

Back to the breakfast. Turns out that the invite was a bit of an audition to help out in the kitchen, as my neighbor was the #1 ‘batter man’ at the 5th. I showed up, not sure what to expect, but was quickly thrown into the mix. Literally. Hands washed and 5th Maine apron on, I learned the ins and outs about making pancake batter in bulk. The recipe wasn’t written down and included instructions like “add a thumb of vanilla” and “watch for the right drip” to nail the ideal consistency. He reminded me important lessons like: “At 8 cups it’s juicy. At 9 cups it’s running and ready to go.” I eventually got the hang of it, and when I flailed, experienced crew mates were there to help.

This pancake breakfast is truly indicative of what makes Peaks particularly special – a blending of different generations. I certainly was the youngest in the room by far and looked to island legends for advice about how to make pancakes but also how to make it out here on the rock. That day was all about whipping up batter and soaking up wisdom from lifelong islanders. That said, I did sneak out to the back deck for a few pancakes as well.

Turns out I passed the test. My neighbor handed over the torch. At the end of the season he sold his place and moved off the island. Earlier this month I got a call from another member of the 5th kitchen crew to see if I was able to report for duty this season. Indeed I am. I’ve been practicing my art and ready for a COVID-modified breakfast which the 5th plans to host later this month. Fingers crossed I don’t let the islanders down. See you at 730am sharp.


Run more to calm a running mind


Island on fire