Little deliveries


Today is the first day that my favorite Portland bakery – Standard Baking Co. – delivers fresh bread to the island. Does it get any better? Quinn’s going to be excited when he finds out the order includes a handful of morning buns as well. Yum! 

Lots of Maine-based businesses are figuring out creative ways to bring in revenue and satisfy their local customers during the global coronavirus pandemic. Several breweries are doing curbside pickup in Portland and I know of at least one who drops ‘em off at the Bay Lines freight shed for delivery over to Peaks. Islanders need only pick up their goods at the end of the dock (as seen in the photo). 

Last summer OTTO – a local pizza chain – started island pizza night with deliveries via Portland Sea Taxi. During the lockdown, they’ve relaunched the mainland-to-island service. I know several of my fellow islanders who now make Fridays mandatory pizza night. Apparently, there’s now a way to place an order for Thai food and get it on the evening boat.

While most things that come across the bay require a quick trip to the microwave, we feel lucky to have access to some of Portland’s culinary delights while marooned on the rock. Bread, beer, pizza. What else does one need? 

If you think a delivery via boat is unique check out a pizza-by-plane service that takes slices out to the far-flung island of Matinicus. The Island Institute created a great video vignette of the experience.


Island quirks


That island wave