Christmas on-island

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Christmas on the island is a special time. Peaks certainly knows how to do the holidays right. While certain coastal Maine towns (think: Kennebunkport and Ogunquit) are known for their Christmas festivities, Peaks Island punches above its weight for a small rock in the Casco Bay. We’ve got lights a plenty, oceanside snowmen and even an adorable (and appropriately social-distanced) craft fair put on by island artisans. And, for those of you wondering how we stay connected to the mainland, fret not – the Casco Bay Lines still runs, even on Christmas. The Machigonne, Maquoit, Wabanaki, Aucocisco, and yes, even the Bay Mist are all decked out with big wreaths to the delight of holiday lovers everywhere.

With the most recent snow, the twinkle of Christmas lights seems even more spectacular. My neighbor and I joked that we’re in a National Lampoon's style competition for the most lights. He definitely wins. Over on Alderbrook we’ve created an electrified grove of trees, wrapping each of their trunks with a coat of tiny bulbs. But the pièce de résistance – to quote my good friend Dan – is the single conifer about 100 feet behind our house. It’s barely visible from the road, but that’s okay. Our secret tree brings Quinn joy, shining strong amongst the deep darkness in the backyard.


Seaside Snowmen Aplenty

Snowpeople of all shapes and sizes seem to pop up on the Backshore here all the time. It makes sense. In addition to plenty of snow, the shore provides a bevy of building materials. While corncobs, buttons and lumps of coal aren’t typically available, sea glass, seaweed and marsh reeds work just as well. I’ve not built one yet this season, but admired a recent creation on a run around the island loop earlier this week.

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Island Artisans

Gifts are another part of an island Christmas, and Peaks also has that covered. While the island commercial scene lacks the same buzz ever-present in the summer, a handful of the boutiques and pop-up crafters sell their wares. A couple weeks back Kellie and I took little Q to Jim Lausier’s greenhouse – now cleared of flowers – for the annual craft fair. Besides being a resilient bunch, islanders are creative, crafting cards, toys and zippy attire.  We picked up a few cards for our off-island crew.

Merry Christmas all!


The annual New Year’s Eve burn


Winter is coming…